Spider-Man 3 Comments

  • Zachary 2023-09-16 04:53:27

    I think it's okay, 2 hours is not too boring. But this so-called blockbuster is more effective in the cinema~ I like that harry, because watching the Oscars, I think it is the kind of face I like~ Haha~ A movie with a complex...

  • Liana 2023-08-16 21:46:54

    Black clothes are much more handsome,...

  • Austin 2023-08-15 20:17:07

    It's all for Tobey...

  • Jerald 2023-07-29 22:53:53

    Why are the big villains so...

  • Rhoda 2023-07-26 10:53:33

    Why do I find him more interesting when he turns bad? Women love bad men. . The greasy hair, the narcissistic look, the smug attitude. ....

  • Marquis 2023-07-13 19:14:37

    I still watched it without subtitles, and was surprised that my hearing was still good. Honestly this is pretty...

  • Krystel 2023-07-01 07:04:08

    Or venom is more...

  • Zachery 2023-06-25 12:22:57

    The eyes are getting more and more harsh, and I feel that there is no 2...

  • Afton 2023-06-12 05:38:54

    Why is the heroine caught in every movie and used to threaten...

  • Gretchen 2023-05-16 08:57:16

    The protagonist is...

Extended Reading
  • Wilfred 2021-10-13 13:07:14

    We always have a choice.

    Today, in line with nostalgia and archaeology, I brushed the extraordinary 1 and 2 and felt that the character relationship was very thin, which made me a little nostalgic for the Spider-Man in the memory of adolescence, so by the way, I briefly reviewed the original Spider-Man series. One...

  • Elmo 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    Not disappointed

    I went to the theater and saw Spider-Man by chance some time ago, but I didn't find it interesting.

    The film is too long and too much foreshadowing, which makes me a little impatient; the uncool male protagonist has not become good-looking or more heroic because he has grown up, but has a...

Spider-Man 3 quotes

  • Peter Parker: This man killed my uncle, and he's still out there!

  • Harry Osborn: You knew this was coming, Pete!

    Peter Parker: Listen to me! I didn't kill your father! He was trying to kill me! He killed himself!

    Harry Osborn: Shut up!