Extended Reading
  • Ken 2022-04-13 08:01:01

    Next time you go to a prostitute, please don't pay the escort babysitter

    The name of the movie makes it clear that
    she was a nanny and escorted
    high school student Shirley as a babysitter in her spare time.
    But by chance,
    she had a delicate relationship with the host.
    Out of guilt, the host gave Shirley some money,
    but it was just At the beginning,
    as the relationship...

  • Dee 2022-04-13 08:01:01

    Money is right, and so is love.

    The young and fresh bodies and faces of the girls faded out as an accessory to their studies in the boring high school classroom. And the most impetuous and curious era is always branded with various weaknesses. Whether it’s money or love, it’s the satisfaction of being regarded as special among...

  • Mylene 2022-04-13 09:01:07

    Most of the actors' performances are very rigid and the rhythm is slightly less. It could have been a very dark, humorous, explosive, and cruel story. I didn't dig out anything, and I couldn't make it out of style. The whole film couldn't be swallowed warmly.

  • Jackie 2022-04-16 09:01:09

    I really don't understand why I want to watch this movie. . .

The Babysitters quotes

  • Melissa Brown: It's a little silly to regret something that never happened, according to you.

  • Nadine Woodberg: [hearing a crash from Shirley's end of the phone] What was that?

    Shirley Lyner: My life.