In the Mood for Love is too beautiful

Jerrold 2022-04-23 07:01:44

This movie of two thousand years

may be the last movie I watched with my parents and my family of three.

I watched it when I was a freshman. I didn't understand

it. Now I probably understand it,

so I wanted to satirize the family of three sitting

in the movie theater. But when I watched the movie, what did my father and mother think about? Yes, there is bread . From what I know, our family had a good life in those years, and there should be some love . Otherwise, how could my mother marry my father at the age of 20? A good woman father is a good man, but why can't he survive? Probably because of the weakness of human nature. Suspicion, greed, arrogance, anger, so whether you can keep bread and love depends on personal virtue. Is the father really having feelings for his new wife? Is the father really happy when he faces his "daughter" who is not related by blood? How hard is it for the mother to lead me alone ? Cultivation , I can afford the day when bread and love come, I can hold it

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Extended Reading
  • Ellen 2022-03-28 09:01:02

    Wong Kar-wai depicts the fluid Hong Kong of the 1960s, rootless and culturally mixed, emotional losers who just can't learn some things. All kinds of movie elements have been achieved to the extreme to tell this ambiguous marriage story, which has also received worldwide resonance. Liang Duo is the best actor in Cannes, but he loves Zhang's performance even more, especially in the pretend play of asking his lover. After the second confession, he didn't slap but paused. I remember the female audience next to him cried directly with him last time. The Archives Restoration Edition has two brushes, and the Broadway French Culture Film Edition has two brushes.

  • Gudrun 2022-03-27 09:01:05

    The full emotions seem to overflow from the screen, the feeling is delicate, the structure is neat, although there is no golden clothes and jade robes, but every frame seems to be extremely luxurious; Wong Kar Wai never shoots movies, but loneliness.

In the Mood for Love quotes

  • Chow Mo-wan: It's me. If there's an extra ticket... would you go with me?

    Su Li-zhen Chan: It's me. If there's an extra ticket... would you go with me?

  • Su Li-zhen Chan: Am I hopeless?

    Chow Mo-wan: Not really.