Willingly take on the role of Jude Law

Peggie 2022-04-22 07:01:55

I really watched this movie for Jude Law. I don't know what I want to talk about, but when discussing family issues, it involves race and juvenile delinquency. It's really fucking tangled. Also, Juliet Binoche, what else can you do besides splashing around in the movie, you call yourself a bunch of independent and free-spirited strong women, and she has the hardest life in the world, really convinced. Jude Law is still as handsome as ever, which is a little consolation. The habit of covering a woman's mouth during sex has never changed

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Extended Reading
  • Hans 2022-03-29 09:01:09

    Finally understand what is called eye wave flow. . .

  • Dolores 2022-03-22 08:01:03

    It's really wet and wet, there are times when the big wet has a wet level!

Breaking and Entering quotes

  • Orit: Bea? My car keys. Where's the battery? Bea. Hey, I need the battery. Don't... We're human. Don't punish us. We get fed up.

    Orit: Fed up? Is that about the diet?

    Will Francis: No, it means "upset". I don't know why. It's a metaphor. Remember, we spoke about those. "Cried your eyes out" doesn't mean your eyeballs fall out. Metaphors. Fed up. It's nothing to do with food. Where's my battery, Bea?

  • Liv: [to Will] If you were measuring how far away from where we need to be, you and me, is that a long way?

    Will Francis: I don't think you can ask a question like that. It's not...

    Liv: Put on a suit, sound like a suit.

    Will Francis: [Takes off his suit jacket] Feels a long, long way, right now, from where it needs to be. I wish we could unsay and unhurt back to wherever that is, and start again.