religious movies

Casey 2022-04-06 08:01:01

After watching this movie, the first thing that comes to my mind is that Christmas Carol is all about the male protagonist gaining a positive understanding of life through a god, and these gods, like the gods of the past and the god of death in this film, are all sent by God, right? (When the male protagonist talks about the ghost carriage, he says that the coachman has a big customer.) The kind side of the woman with tuberculosis is also expressed through her constant prayers and participation in religious beliefs. Therefore, the mastermind behind the whole story is God. Because of the male protagonist's distrust of the world and God, God punishes him and finally allows the male protagonist to be redeemed. Then, through the male protagonist's hands, he saves his wife and children. Personally, I don’t think the ghost carriage is necessary, but it’s worth showing off even if it’s to show off the technology. At that time, if you can shoot such a picture, you should be a master among masters.

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The Phantom Carriage quotes

  • Georges: [calling forth the soul of Edit] Captive, ye of loving heart, come forth from thy prison!

  • David Holm: You should take me to the hospital in your carriage as quickly as you can.

    Georges: No living soul rides in that carriage. By the time I arrive, it's too late for a doctor. You know full well that I am no longer among the living.