Back to the nature

Ambrose 2022-03-29 09:01:10

Once upon a time, i yearned for a life in a little poetic place like that, living in a remote little shingle, meeting with simple people, being around the people i love, and nothing else matters. But that's really too beautiful a dream to come true,too much of a fairytale to be a real life.Ondine gives me such a vision,dreamlike Ireland,a fisherman,limitless seas and melancholy people with a funny and quirky makes me feel serene and calm, it makes me want to explore the magic of infinity, i guess only in that sort of place, stories like this, love like this can happen and most importantly, stay.
I have to admit that i got fooled at first, anticipating the woman who called herself Ondine to transform into a sea creature or a fairy, but truth comes out in the end, a little brusquely, leading us to amaze at the illogical and bizzare imagination of the playwright. The most interesting character in this film would be the little girl Annie who actually made things eerie, she is too addicted to her own world of wild imagination to let those larger-than-life creations go, selkies, seven tears, singing,wishes come true...she has the potential to be a writer,maybe that is because,i'm thinking,of the disease she once had,she constantly imagined a better end.And now that better end comes , they again have such a happily-ever-after type of ending, so corny but so warm to me.
I kind of envy how they would enjoy the nature of Ireland, how they would run back and forth on the seaside, how life would poetically unfolds its mysteries to them. Anyway, this seems a very good movie to me, low-profile and full of poetry...definitely worth seeing.

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Extended Reading
  • Casimer 2022-03-27 08:01:01

    a perfect fairytale/chick-flick (fortunately it didn't develop into a snail girl...silly me...) The picture and music are beautiful and I really enjoy watching it in the cinema! Colin Farrell is too stylish >w< I really want to buy one The automatic wheelchair is racing with you~~~~~

  • Augustine 2022-04-01 09:01:19

    relatively fresh. I wanted to give it four stars, but I felt it was a bit lacking.

Ondine quotes

  • Annie: So I supposed she isn't a Selkie really. 'Cause you can't marry a seal, can ya?

    Priest: No, you definitely cannot.

    Annie: Not in the real quotidian world, any way.

    Priest: Quotidian?

    Annie: Yep. Means the one we have to live in. If she was a seal, though, would you still do the wedding?

    Priest: Me?

  • [last lines]

    Annie: What about your past lives?

    Ondine: Are you sure I have them?

    Annie: Oh yeah, everybody does. It's just a matter of remembering.

    Annie: [to her dad] Stop peeping, would you?

    Syracuse: I don't peep.

    Annie: I mean, you could have even been married in one of them...