Bond's personality was forcibly tampered with

Arne 2022-04-19 09:01:17

In fact, this one is pretty good. The opening scene is so beautiful and shocking. When Bond strolls on the edge of the roof, the whole world surrenders to the man's exquisite dark blue suit. However, time will pass, actors will grow old, and screenwriters will be exhausted.

I still remember Daniel Craig's first role in Casino Royale, the half-baked masculinity who looked a little stunned in front of M with complex, conceited, skilled, seemingly unscrupulous but always fearful of loss. His cherishing also has his sincerity. Whether it's flirting or a mission, this different 007 character isn't perfect, but it has a reassuring sense of authenticity. His joys and sorrows, his love-hate relationships, every moment is entirely his own.

Then came this one, the fact that the actors are getting more and more vicissitudes is an unchangeable fact, and the characters must also follow the maturity rather than always keep the original edges and corners. However, being mature does not mean being cynical. If it must be explained by the loss of a loved one that led to Bond's current character, this reason is barely acceptable. However, the script has set him to fall in love with some details. On the one hand, he is greedy and greedy for a long time, and on the other hand, he is looking for and searching until his death. This Bond seems to have no idea what he wants. Responsibility, to whom? Is it to fulfill M's last wish? To protect a woman who lost her father? Or crack the country's underlying crisis? On love, love to whom? In his behavior that can't be called love, protecting a person is more like a kind of inertia, so why pretend to cherish it?

This Bond looks like he was walking through the carnival streets at the beginning, wearing an unnecessary mask from beginning to end to deceive himself, and the only time to prevent a woman from witnessing her father's suicide scene. Although the truth is revealed, it just doesn't match the character's current setting. 007, who has already read the world's compassion, can laugh, scold and ridicule the siege, why is it like a reckless man who has no power to fight back? You know, even in the first Casino Royale, he can already laugh at powerful enemies and attack and defend freely.

PS: Director, have you always posted the actor's stills of the first few movies to give people extra money?

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Extended Reading
  • Kyra 2021-10-20 19:00:57

    It doesn’t matter whether the ultimate BOSS IQ is touching or whether the protagonist is on the hang, the opening MV is good-looking, the chase is qualified, the suit buttons are still there, the shirt is still tight on the chest muscles, MI6's harem is still loyal...These are qualified states for me. German movie too. Daniel Craig, I can't bear you, who can realize my heart to tear your shirt all the way...

  • Esmeralda 2022-03-26 09:01:02

    "Those things that bring people together are sometimes fear and sometimes beauty." The loyal image of a tough guy who can always turn danger into a breeze is omnipotent...Daniel's version of Bond has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The movie is long but still has many highlights: a cool opening, a nice theme song, a charming Saidou, Waltz who wrote about the pain of others, "Who sent you here, for whom do you die" to the little mouse Bond talking to himself... "Everyone should have a choice."

Spectre quotes

  • James Bond: [Oberhauser shows Madeleine footage of Mr. White committing suicide] No, no, no. Turn it off. Turn it off.

    Oberhauser: This is important.

    James Bond: I said turn it off!

    [a SPECTRE member hits Bond in the leg]

  • Madeleine Swann: I love you...

    Oberhauser: Do those blue eyes still recognize you?

    James Bond: I'd recognize you anywhere.