The Alamo Shooting process
Juan Seguin: [Houston is preparing to meet with the Texas Congress] They are gonna want you humble, General.
Sam Houston: I humble myself before God and there the list ends.
William Travis: Colonel Bowie, I understand that you plan to remove the cannon from this fort and take them to General Houston. I advise you not to do it; they are needed here.
James Bowie: Where did you hear that, Buck?
William Travis: Men tend to talk when they drink; your men tend to drink.
James Bowie: I will do as I have been commanded; as for what that is, I will discuss it further with Col. Jamison.
William Travis: Col. Jamison has left the fort on personal business; he left me in command.
James Bowie: Whooee, that is a rapid rise, Billy. We better break out the long pants.