The Leisure Seeker

The Leisure Seeker

  • Director: Paolo Virzì
  • Writer: Michael Zadoorian,Stephen Amidon,Francesca Archibu
  • Countries of origin: Italy, France
  • Language: English
  • Release date: January 3, 2018
  • Runtime: 1 hour 52 minutes
  • Also known as: Karavan
  • "The Leisure Seeker" is a feature film produced and distributed by the Italian National Film and Television Company, the Italian Indiana Film and Television Production Company, and the American Sony Classic Film Company.Directed, starring Helen Lydia Mirren and Donald Sutherland , it premiered at the Venice Film Festival on September 3, 2017, and was released in mainland China on February 23, 2018.
    Adapted from Michael Sadurian's novel "The Leisure Seeker", the film tells the story of a seriously ill elderly couple driving an old RV from Massachusetts to Hemingway's former home, reviewing their lives on the journey story   .


    • Release date January 3, 2018
    • Filming locations McDonough, Georgia, USA
    • Production companies Indiana Production, Bac Films, Rai Cinema

    Box office

    Gross US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 36 ) Add reviews

    • By Name 2022-12-29 09:40:01

      Love, dreams, pursuits will never fade away

      If "Life with a Glass of Wine" is a road movie for middle-aged people packed with wine, then this "Love Before Memories" is a road movie for the elderly packed with American literature.

      There are three places where we cry.

      1. John and Ella stopped in a park on the road when a girl suddenly greeted them. John has Alzheimer's and can't remember a lot. But when the girl greeted him, he remembered her name, remembered that she went to Columbia University later, and asked her how...

    • By Brandi 2022-12-26 11:22:02

      Love is in memory, before it fades away

      Adapted from Michael Zadoorian's novel of the same name, the film tells the story of a seriously ill elderly couple who drove their old RV from Massachusetts to Hemingway's former home, reviewing the story of their lives on the journey. John is a literature teacher and writer, Hemingway's die-hard, although Alzheimer's disease has made his memory worse and worse, even forgetting the names of his wife and children, he can still say all of Hemingway's works casually, "The Old Man and the Sea"...

    • By Zelda 2022-12-24 19:22:40

      love before the memory fades

      I like that they are not afraid of illness or forgetting, they set off on a journey with their love, I like that they support each other, even if a woman knows that her husband will forget everything, but she is willing to remember everything for him, accompany him to find it slowly Memories, even though he may be a newborn world every day, but women are willing to use slideshows to tell their husbands about his life's memories every night, I like their courage to leave everything behind, no...

    • By Marcus 2022-12-22 08:24:21

      I am old, I would like to spend the last time with you

      "Love Before Memories Dies" translates the original film title "the lexure seeker" bluntly and aptly.

      Suffering from Alzheimer's disease, I often forget who my wife and children are. He also wets his bed and pants, burps and farts to be childish. This may be the way we return to the "reverse growth" of children when we are old.

      And the old wife is sick and needs to be hospitalized. She has to take care of your diet, wash your pants and wipe your body for you, satisfy your...

    • By Talia 2022-12-16 02:29:02

      Before the disease separates you and me, let's run away together, go to the ends of the earth, live and die together (dead youth hurt literature suddenly attacked me hahahaha)

      The movie I finished watching last month, because I really don't know how to write a short review, so I haven't written it...

      In fact, I really like the first half, two people who have been with each other for a lifetime, before the disease is about to separate them, and in the last part of their lives, they eloped and traveled together. It was so romantic. Especially after the two of them have children, they rarely go out to travel, and they start...

    User comments

      ( 21 ) Add comments

    • By Thaddeus 2023-08-22 21:26:19

      Compared with Michael Haneke's "Love", this one is actually a lot warmer, and even a little relieved at the end. How to finish life, such a story is also a choice. While sad and romantic, there are also many small humors and tidbits of life interspersed, plus the excellent performances of the two actors, the entire viewing process can be regarded as mixed...

    • By Ona 2023-07-20 11:29:01

      Comedy version of "Love" or story version of "I Only Know You". The overall lighthearted humor is witty and interesting, interspersed with the director's political ambitions from time to time. When the memory fades like a tide, I will go to heaven to eat hamburgers with your flirting. Grandpa Sutherland and Grandma Helen are so cute and bubbling, and they were able to give each other a shot at the end, which really made my grandchildren's single dog blush in the...

    • By Reyes 2023-07-05 02:33:19

      The old couple's (loving) affection, illness, and deathbed are told in a journey through a journey, showing their crisis, dependence and final dignity, and the revealing of secrets makes their relationship more intimate. However, there is too much idle writing in the play, and it is constantly creating conflicts in the organization of events. Fortunately, there are old dramas who perform movingly, including Dick Gregory, who appeared for the last...

    • By Parker 2023-06-20 09:13:51

      Although some clips are a bit deliberate, they are cruel and beautiful. They both stole the once young and energetic person, but they are happy enough to be with each other for a...

    • By Deontae 2023-05-09 17:09:14

      Highly recommended. Today's episode of watching the movie is that some parents brought their little kids to watch this movie, less than half of the time, the kids started babbling. A female audience member in the same row immediately reprimanded, and the little brats left the theater and were able to watch the entire film quietly. Upvote for this female...

    Movie plot

    John is a literature teacher and writer, and a diehard Hemingway fan. Although Alzheimer's disease has made his memory worse and he can even forget the names of his wife and children, he can still say all of Hemingway's works. , "The Old Man and the Sea" is his favorite. Because his wife Ella is seriously ill and needs to be hospitalized, John can only enter the nursing home, and the two who have been together for a lifetime face the...
    more about The Leisure Seeker Movie plot

    Creative background

    The film is the first English-language film by an Italian director   . After his previous films were released in the United States, they have attracted the attention of many American film companies. He never thought of making a film outside of Italy, so initially he just wanted to make an "Italian" film that hit the Oscar for best foreign language film, but by chance he saw Michael Sardurian's film. The short story, immediately moved,...
    more about The Leisure Seeker Creative background

    Similar to the original

    In the novel, the protagonist takes Route 66 to Disneyland. Since there are countless films with Route 66 as the background, the director Welch moved the story to the east coast of the United States, John's identity was changed to a university professor, and the old couple's RV journey became a relatively unfamiliar to the audience. Route 1 to the Hemingway House. At the same time, the director changed Ella's age to be a little...
    more about The Leisure Seeker Similar to the original

    Evaluation action

    In addition to the performances of the two leading actors, the wonderful thing about the film lies in its delicate emotions, as well as a lot of humorous and loving details of life. The protagonist's "Little True Fortune" and "Little True Mourning" in the film almost hit all the audience's weaknesses and tears. Perhaps in terms of narration and shooting skills, the film cannot be called perfect and advanced in consciousness, but the...
    more about The Leisure Seeker Evaluation action

    Movie quotes

    • Ella Spencer: [on phone] Go to Lillian and tell her something.

      Jane Spencer: [turns toward Lillian, sitting on sofa] Mom, Lillian's...

      Ella Spencer: Tell her she's the dirtiest whore on earth.

      Jane Spencer: What did you say?

      Ella Spencer: No, in the universe. The biggest whore in the whole universe.

      [hangs up]

      Will Spencer: So what's happening?

      Jane Spencer: Nothing. Everything's fine.

      Lillian: But where are they?

      Jane Spencer: I have no idea, but Mom seems very... energized. And she sends her love to you, Lillian.

      Lillian: Isn't that sweet...

    • [repeated line]

      John Spencer: I want a burguer.

    • John Spencer: Is that really you, Ella?

      Ella Spencer: Of course it's me! Who are you?

      John Spencer: I'm me! John.

      Ella Spencer: No, you're not. My John is a young teacher. It's charming. Very handsome. Educated. I want him back. You stole him from me and want you to give him back.

      John Spencer: Oh boy, if I could I would. He was stolen from me, and was stolen from you too.