True Lies

True Lies

  • Director: James Cameron
  • Writer: Claude Zidi,Simon Michaël,Didier Kaminka
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English, French, Arabic, German
  • Release date: July 15, 1994
  • Runtime: 2h 21min
  • Sound mix: DTS, Dolby SR
  • Aspect ratio: 2.39 : 1
  • Also known as: Mentiras verdaderas
  • The film "True Lies" was directed by Canadian director James Cameron , and co-starred Arnold Schwarzenegger , Jamie Lee Curtis , Tom Arnold and Art Malik . The film was released in the United States on July 15, 1994   .
    The film is one of the classics of action movies in the 90s, and it is the beginning of Hollywood blockbusters imported from mainland China . The movie tells the story of an incognito agent, Harry, who suspects that his wife has an affair. He conducts a secret investigation. He accidentally discovers a large conspiracy by a group of terrorists who try to threaten the government with a nuclear bomb. When his daughter is kidnapped, Harry flies away. Rescued. 


    • Release date July 15, 1994
    • Filming locations Seven Mile Bridge, Florida Keys, Florida, USA
    • Production companies Twentieth Century Fox, Lightstorm Entertainment

    Box office


    $115,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 72 ) Add reviews

    • By Jannie 2022-04-23 07:01:27

      unpleasant character

      This is the first time I have seen Ma Chai motorcycle, the first time I have seen a fight under the flashing lights, the first time I have seen it swimming under a sea of ​​fire, and the first time I have used a fighter jet as a motorcycle. The action scenes are very well designed. It's also pretty, but the couple's interest in the middle-aged crisis in the film weakens the tension a bit, plus the male and female protagonists are unfortunate in their appearance and acting skills. Fire's funny...

    • By Zachery 2022-04-23 07:01:27

      20 years of blockbuster special effects beyond China

      More than 20 years ago, the "blockbuster" that was absolutely 90 points, now watch 70 points, but it still surpasses domestic films in many places. Although the plot is far-fetched and full of loopholes, if you look at it with the mentality of a comedy entertainment film, it's okay to keep laughing. Cameron i's kung fu in handling big scenes is first-class. It's strange that no one mentions that Wendi Deng was still very charming when he was young, not less than the heroine. In the end, it...

    • By Kiana 2022-04-22 07:01:04

      personal entertainment

      The humorous scene is a classic action movie.
      Of course, it may reflect the typical American-style individual heroism due to its earlier age.

      As a national agent, how could it be so ignorant of organizational discipline and casually change the combat plan. His wife was involved, and balabala
      was welcomed by everyone,
      and those terrorists who were killed by him did not cause national conflict?
      After all, it is a movie. Telling a story can only focus on humor and...

    • By Liana 2022-04-22 07:01:04


      The film was shot in 1994, uh, looking at it now, it will inevitably have different feelings due to different times.
         To be honest, if I had watched this movie back then, I would have worshipped this movie to death. However, the world is different now, and the pursuit of film quality is also different.
          In terms of action, its scenes are first-class, and both visual and auditory give people a shocking feeling. It's the pinnacle of this kind of film.
          The plot, from...

    • By Jarret 2022-04-22 07:01:04

      9/11 Attacks and True Lies

      True lies have brought the stigma and insult to Muslim extremists to the extreme. This movie is so famous, and I believe bin Laden has seen it too. It must have shocked Muslims and bin Laden a lot, and gave birth to a revenge mentality after being humiliated. Personally, this movie may be one of the reasons for bin Laden to launch the 9/11 attack. The Sea Harrier's shuttle between buildings also inspired bin Laden's attack planning. If this is the case, Hollywood can play big. In any case, may...

    User comments

      ( 72 ) Add comments

    • By Lucie 2023-09-17 17:15:14

      A large number of civil servants follow you and chase your wife all day long? ? ? Is this called exploiting power for personal gain? ! Can't believe it was Cameron's script. Only yesterday I praised that Brother Tang can improve his acting skills while acting, but today I found out that the director is doing the same. It appears to be a white privilege. Black actor-directors simply don't have so much time to climb. The partner and wife are very cute, which is probably the only bright spot in...

    • By Bailey 2023-08-04 09:58:37

      ★★★★ Jamie Lee Curtis dances...

    • By Ansley 2023-07-27 19:00:54

      Dig yeah I still watched VCDs when I was a...

    • By Carmel 2023-06-29 00:14:41

      You can see all Cameron's hobbies in this play, whether it's love or action. In the action scene, sleds and snowboards are used in the opening snow chase, horses are used in the street chase, and the hotel and elevator are also used! The final battle involved helicopters and fighter jets. One climax after another, and the scenes became bigger and bigger. You thought it was over to rescue your wife, but as a result, her daughter was tied to the roof again. As for the love scene, Cameron has a...

    • By Jaiden 2023-06-10 23:46:53

      In 1994, the United States made so much money to make such money-making movies. . Arnold looks really ugly, his face is not good-looking, his gums are still protruding, he can't stand it anymore! The twists and turns are the most annoying. After saving my wife, I have to save my daughter. Is it...

    Movie plot

    Harry Tasker is an agent of an espionage organization code-named "Omega". He is proficient in six languages ​​and can manipulate a variety of highly skilled espionage methods. He is being ordered to investigate a case of smuggling nuclear weapons planned by an Arab terrorist organization. For the sake of national security, Harry has concealed his true identity from his wife Helen for 15 years of marriage. Helen, who always thinks that...
    more about True Lies Movie plot

    Behind the scenes gags

    The US government provided three Sea Harrier fighters for this film. The crew must pay the pilots more than 100,000 U.S. dollars, and their wages are 2,410 U.S. dollars per hour.
    In the film, Helen wears the underwear for the striptease, which belongs to Jamie Lee Curtis himself.
    During the striptease segment, Jamie Lee Curtis grabbed the bedpost and fell. This is not a plot designed by the script, but a real accident. If you look...
    more about True Lies Behind the scenes gags

    China Evaluation

    This film can be regarded as a classic among the action film classics of the 90s, one of the best of many works starring Arnold, and the proud work of the famous director James Cameron. For ordinary Chinese audiences, it is the beginning of China's import of Hollywood blockbusters, and it has caused a lot of waves in the Chinese film market. In addition to many stunt shots that give people a strong visual impact, the film is also full...
    more about True Lies China Evaluation

    Movie quotes

    • [about Harry's daughter, just having entered the fake computer company]

      Gib: Do you think she's still a virgin?

      Harry: Dont be ridiculous, she's only - -what is she now?

      Gib: She's fourteen!

      Harry: She's fourteen years old!

      Gib: Yeah, and her little hormones are going off like a car alarm.

    • [Harry has just returned from Helen's office and is shell-shocked]

      Harry: Helen... Helen...

      Gib: Helen...?

      Harry: Helen...

      Gib: It's got something to do with Helen, I'm guessing.

      Harry: Helen...

      Harry: [on the sidewalk next to their SUV] Helen... is having an affair!

      Gib: [hugs him] Welcome to the club, man!

    • [Harry is under the influence of a truth serum,in private room located on a deserted island]

      Samir: Is there anything you'd like to tell me before we start?

      Harry: Yeah. I'm going to kill you pretty soon.

      Samir: I see. How, exactly?

      Harry: First I'm going to use you as a human shield. Then I'm going to kill this guard over here with the Patterson trocar on the table. And then I was thinking about breaking your neck.

      Samir: And what makes you think you can do all that?

      Harry: You know my handcuffs?

      Samir: Mmm-hmm.

      Harry: [holds up his hands] I picked them.

      [Samir gasps. Harry springs up from his chair and grabs Samir, using him as a shield while he kills the guard, then breaks Samir's neck]