When Trumpets Fade

When Trumpets Fade

  • Director: John Irvin
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: June 27, 1998
  • Runtime: 1 hour 35 minutes
  • Sound mix: Stereo
  • Aspect ratio: 1.33 : 1
  • Also known as: Hurtgen
  • When Trumpets Fade is an action war film directed by John Ivan and starring Ron Eddard and Zak Orth.
    The film tells the story of the German surrender in World War II ; after capitulate , the German troops in some areas continued to resist, and the Allies paid a considerable price to eradicate these remnants.


    • Release date June 27, 1998
    • Filming locations Budapest, Hungary
    • Production companies HBO NYC Productions, Citadel Entertainment, Hofflund/Polone

    Movie reviews

     ( 8 ) Add reviews

    • By Kaylie 2022-12-05 13:10:47

      Section 8 Clause 8

      Translated from wiki

      "Article 8" refers to retirement from the military when deemed mentally unfit for service. It is also used to refer to any military member who has been discharged from the military or who behaves justly.

      The term comes from Title 8 of World War II-era U.S. Army Regulation 615-360, which stipulated that those deemed unfit for military service would be dismissed. in the 1950s. Under Title 8, any military member who is found to be gay is generally...

    • By Gennaro 2022-10-29 07:38:04

      On the battlefield, the least important thing is motivation

      There are also good war movies worth recommending! "When Trumpets Fade", the real war is about close to this film, two groups of people who are terrified to the extreme are each shaking and fighting face to face, not to win but to survive, if you don't kill the opposite, you will be killed by the back, so That's it.

      The most profound is the dialogue between Manning and the first company commander. The people above really understand war? They also had to walk around and act like...

    • By Earl 2022-10-24 06:54:53

      Brutal War and Survival Humanity

      A shocking war movie, the cruel description of war is inexhaustible, and the instinct to survive seems so humble and shameful. There are no natural heroes in war, only forced to survive. This should be regarded as a blockbuster criticizing realism. Life is so fragile and helpless, whether it is an enemy or a superior, it will kill you at any time. A truth of war stripped of its sacred veneer turns out to be so sinful and horrific. There is another puzzle: what is the eighth regulation that...

    • By Adolf 2022-07-08 21:03:59

      war without heroes

          TG's active duty soldiers may not agree, but for us viewers, war is something else entirely - for example, in the war movies we are familiar with, there are spears and guns on one side, warriors screaming, and blue Celtic pounces on calm. On the other side, artillery fire roared, the forest was raining at night, and the big boy with the M-16 collapsed in the foxhole and neighed desperately until he lost his voice. In that world, technological progress always seemed to be accompanied by a...

    • By Eleanora 2022-07-08 21:03:04

      faded charge

         After the Allied forces landed in Normandy, France on June 6, 1944, the Germans retreated. Although the Allied morale was high, they thought that the end of the war was just around the corner, but the later Operation Market Garden was frustrated, and because the supply line was too long, the Allied forces attacked. The speed and kinetic energy of the U.S. Army weakened, especially for the U.S. Army under Patton. After October, the war came to a stalemate. The U.S. Army confronted the...

    User comments

      ( 24 ) Add comments

    • By Mercedes 2023-09-28 04:07:03

      I haven't seen a translation in a long time. I watched a short clip of this film on the movie channel earlier, called "Before the Dawn of Victory", and another translation called "Battle of Horgen Forest". The battle was intense, but overall it was a good...

    • By Shyann 2023-07-22 00:24:37

      HBO movies look like TV...

    • By Cassandre 2023-05-04 05:59:57

      The emotional core of the story and the structure of the echoes should have been powerful, but the distortions and roughness of the little details here and there, all over the place, slowly wear off the potential impact. But in any case, to be able to deconstruct the heroic image of America's "greatest generation" from such an angle does indeed reflect a great moral courage. As John Keegan said: "There's no such thing as 'getting used to fighting' at all... Brave because he's been told it has...

    • By Mckenzie 2023-04-28 12:31:37

      This is a movie about war that I watched many years ago and have always been impressed. I want to say that the essence of war is the result of the highest organized form of violence. Wherever it goes, it not only destroys every living life, but also destroys the most precious truth, goodness and beauty in human nature. The inevitable result of the war, no doubt the war deepens and infinitely expands the ultimate fear in everyone's heart instead of epic heroism! ! ! Oppose war, defend peace! ! !...

    • By Jaquelin 2023-04-23 14:55:56

      The character setting in the film is very special. Everyone who appears, including the protagonist, is afraid of death, but the protagonist is thinking about how to leave alive. The state of the battlefield is full of danger through rhythmic editing. The tragic effect, but directly to tell the death, this is very real. It is worth mentioning that the echo of the beginning and the end is very interesting, life and death,...

    Movie plot

    The background of the film is the bloody Battle of Horgen Forest during World War II . After an entire platoon of comrades was wiped out by the enemy, the only surviving Private, Private David Manning, was promoted to sergeant. Unable to bear the pressure of leading the recruits, Manning applied for retirement on the grounds of mental discomfort. However, Manning's commander put forward a condition to him: as long as he led troops to...
    more about When Trumpets Fade Movie plot

    Movie quotes

    • Lonnie: [the new troops are lounging around] Hey dude, give me that cigarette!

      Lonnie: [pulls his pants down and places the cigarette near his rear end] See, only ass holes smoke!

    • Pvt. David Manning: Listen, I'm getting the hell out of here. I've done my share, and I'm getting out!

    • Capt. Roy Pritchett: Congratulations Private, you're a sergeant now.

      Pvt. David Manning: I am absolutely the wrong man!

      Capt. Roy Pritchett: You've managed to stay alive for a week: that's something the rest of your platoon couldn't do. Call me crazy, but from where I'm standing, that qualifies you for the job!