Get off the altar!

Rozella 2022-07-19 19:30:16

The finale of the third season of "Frozen" was broadcast yesterday, and I didn't finish watching it until this morning. The first feeling after watching it was, of course, very disappointing!

Now, let's rationally explore some of the issues of this season, and also some of the issues we saw about this season in the comments section:

1. The plot is protracted. This is one of the hottest issues I've seen in the comments section, and that is the fact that the plot of the third season is very slow. Looking back on the first season, the kind of soothing narration that suddenly reaches a climax at a certain moment in each episode, accompanied by the explosive soundtrack of the bitter editing, makes your adrenaline soar, you can't stop, you can't be yourself, but Not far off on the timeline, the third season with a similar pattern disappeared. The second season is a retro style, shooting the style of the gangster film of the last century. Of course, it also injected its own fresh blood. Basically, it was like taking medicine from the first episode, until the end of the last episode. Your unforgettable feeling is even more gone. The protracted rhythm of the third season has obviously lowered our desire to watch movies, and it has also become the target of most bean friends.

2. An inexplicable plot. Both the movie version and the drama version of "Frozen" are a model of black humor and absurd dramas, but this season is obviously overdone, the script is not hot enough, and the arrangement of many plots is inexplicable, and it is inevitable to dig a lot. The pit, I thought that the pits would be filled in the last episode, which would be a shocking reversal, but if you really want to fill all the pits, how much information should be in the last episode? It's a big pit, and at the end, "Not everything makes sense" was thrown as a shield. Isn't this obviously teasing the audience? This season has been on show almost from the first episode, but unfortunately it is full of slots at the end.

3. Role-building issues. If we talk about the first two seasons, I believe everyone still remembers those characters vividly, and they can also be used as chatting materials after dinner and chatting happily for a day. Every character, no matter how big or small, is shaped very three-dimensionally and full. When you meet any character for the first time, you will feel that he is full of stories. On the other hand, in the third season, almost all the characters are very empty, their personalities are not clear, and they even feel that the screenwriters are making a mystery. I didn't see anything, still empty, still ethereal.

4. Dramatic tension. I mentioned this in the first point. The reason why the first and second seasons can be regarded as divine dramas is because of their insurmountable dramatic tension from the first episode. On the other hand, in the third season, the plot dragged on from the very beginning, and it only began to show its due level in the sixth episode. The dramatic tension in episodes 7, 8, and 9 also slowly expanded, but in the first episode. 10 episodes fell back to zero.

5. Lack of pillars. The first season has the plot of the original Coen Brothers movie as the backbone, the second season has the first season Jasmine's father's oral history as the backbone, and the third season is obviously self-contained and has no backbone, and it is normal to jump.

I personally think a few advantages of this season:

1. Soundtrack. One of the reasons why "Frozen" is regarded as a divine drama is its peculiar self-styled soundtrack. This season's soundtrack is still unsolved, and when it's dull, some timely soundtracks will still arouse the feeling of the past.

2. Photography. This season's photography has maintained the quality of the first two seasons, at least, "Frozen" fans can find some comfort in photography.

3. Image style. The reason I didn't put it under the "photography" point was because I insisted that the changing visual style from season one to three was one of the reasons it was regarded as a drama. The first season is a cold and cold tone, which highlights the bleakness of the ice and snow in Minnesota in the story and the perfect presentation of the mental journey of each character, a sense of loneliness and helplessness like an "Ice Age". The second season is a warmer tones with brighter colors, and a very retro style emerges spontaneously. Coupled with the split-shot style that pays homage to Brian De Palma, it directly drags the audience back to that lost era. The third season is a cool gray and black tone, which complements the plot line of its financial exploitation.

4. The core of the story. Whether it is the film version or the drama version of the Coen brothers, they all adhere to a core core, that is: every action in life will bring unpredictable consequences, whether it is a big person or a small person in reality. Unimaginable things. It can be said that "Frozen" is a warning fable dressed in black humor.

In short, in all respects, the third season of "Frozen Blood" has indeed stepped down from the altar, because the first two seasons are really amazing, and it is really difficult to surpass. But in isolation, the third season of "Frozen" is still a high-quality crime drama.

(The above is purely personal opinion, welcome to discuss, don’t spray if you don’t like it.)

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The Law of Vacant Places quotes

  • Nikki Swango: You're the hand and I'm the glove.

    Ray Stussy: You're the bottle and I'm the beer.

    Nikki Swango: Or the beer and the glass in my case.

  • Ray Stussy: Hey! Dickhead!

    Maurice LeFay: Huh?

    Ray Stussy: I gotta place, turns out a place that needs some robbing. A little robbing, not wholesale burglary, just a specific... Just looking for a certain item. And if you do it... well let's just say... your little problem goes up in smoke.

    Maurice LeFay: What are we talking about?

    Ray Stussy: A stamp.

    Maurice LeFay: A stamp?... Like a... postage stamp?

    Ray Stussy: Yeah.

    Maurice LeFay: Cool... Cool... So I mean, I know I'm the moron but...

    Ray Stussy: It's not that kind of stamp numb nuts... It's a vintage stamp, it's got you know... sentimental value for me... It's my stamp.

    Maurice LeFay: Your stamp.

    Ray Stussy: But it's, you know, at someone else's house temporarily.

    Maurice LeFay: Cool, cool... So why not just ask for it back?

    Ray Stussy: Well it's, you know, complicated... Just get the damn stamp.