
Jerry 2022-12-07 04:05:36

(At the end of the day, because there is no "Famous Words" it is not suitable for recording, and because I am sleepy...I didn't write down anything. Just jot it down.)

1. Common sense is the ultimate hallucination.

2. Ideology is not imposed on us, but our spontaneous relationship with society.

3. Enjoyment is a distorted form of pleasure, and it can also be painful.

4. If you confront smart catholic propagandists and try to identify what they have to offer you, it won't be a ban, but a more ironic covenant. This covenant is made by the church as an institution with the believers who are troubled by the problem, and under the permission of this obscene, you will be protected by the big body, so you can do whatever you want.

5. . . . This is the key to ideological work. It's not just abstinence, pain, etc., but hints, pretending to be abstinent, and then you can have abstinence orgy.

6. Marx has long emphasized that commodities are never just objects we buy. Commodities are precise, theological, and even metaphysical objects, and their existence always reflects higher-level needs.

7. In our postmodern society, pleasure is our duty and pleasure becomes a weird and twisted duty.

8. What people desire is never to obtain something, but to desire itself.

9. On an island near Oslo, Breivik detonated a bomb in front of a government building, killing dozens of Social Democratic Party members, many commenters blamed personal insanity, but I think Breivik's manifesto worthy of study. It is clear that Breivik not only theorized but carried out the violence. This is a reaction to the impermeability and chaos of global capital. Like the end of Taxi Driver, Travis' massacre.

10. The earliest dream of fascists, and certainly the dream of all ideologies, is to have cake, and to eat cake. As has been pointed out, the pre-fascist period was a conservative change, it was an economic change - for the development of modern industry. That's true, but a change always preserves or rebuilds a traditional hierarchical society, a new modern society, also governed by hierarchical values, lacking class antagonisms or other antagonisms. Now, the fascists have a problem: how to fight dangers like class struggle. How to solve it? You need to create an ideological narrative that explains how society goes wrong - not because of the tensions inherent in social development, but because of outsiders invading. "Before the Jews infiltrated us, everything was fine. The way to make the main body of society healthy is to destroy the Jews."

11. What Chariot (Band) did: Freed the elements of these movements from their association with the Nazis, and let's enjoy it as it was before it was given ideology. The way to fight Nazism is to enjoy these action elements. (I think this one needs to be verified...)

12. So how does ideology connect these elements with ideology? These elements can be seen as a means of bribing, through which ideology draws people into it. All of these actions are condensed enjoyment, or can be elements that seem less relevant, such as collective solidarity and discipline, the struggle to change destiny, and so on. These elements did not originally belong, but were exploited by different ideologies.

13. Every effective political/ideological symbol, or representation, must rely on this (Titanic) shocking, sensational enjoyment, like this frozen picture of mixed pain and pleasure (Titanic). No).

(And, Zizek argues, the love on the Titanic can illustrate: the ruthless oppression of the upper classes by the upper classes - ultimately draining their vital energy, energized, and returning to their previously undisturbed upper classes In life. An interesting detail: Shredded meat says "I don't want you to go, I don't want you to go" while pushing Jack down...and this logic of producing spouses has been around for a long time in Hollywood, no matter what the story is It's about the end of the world, aliens threatening human existence, war, whatever it is, there will always be a couple whose relationship is threatened, and who pass the test and are happily together - just... It is this element that draws our attention. This is how ideology works.)

14. That, the lascivious complement to the sheer military discipline of almost all US Marine Corps movies, which is embodied in their songs, is a mixture of gibberish and obscene. And this is not undermining, making fun of the discipline of the military, but an inherent part of it. Take that away and the military machine stops working...a more general rule that applies to the military, and even further, to all human groups, from a country to a department in a university, you don't just have clear rules. In order to be part of a group, you always need some unwritten rules. These rules will never be publicly acknowledged, but they are necessary to gain group acceptance. But when "I" know these lascivious rituals too directly and lose the distance - take them too seriously. If you do become the voice of this superego, the result is self-destruction.

(The last one reminds me of a lot of pornographic novels or works with lewd and dirty descriptions... Then, writing and reading such things is not a violation of a certain rule, but a kind of "unspoken discipline"—— To see means to accept.)


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The Pervert's Guide to Ideology quotes

  • Slavoj Zizek: Freedom hurts.

  • Slavoj Zizek: I already am eating from the trashcan all the time. The name of this trashcan is ideology. The material force of ideology - makes me not see what I'm effectively eating. It's not only our reality which enslaves us. The tragedy of our predicament - when we are within ideology, is that - when we think that we escape it into our dreams - at that point we are within ideology.