If there is no lover in the corner of the house, who is it for such an effortless arrangement.

Troy 2022-04-12 09:01:11

The dignity of a father

Since people came to completely break away from the matriarchal society and entered the patriarchal society, the position of a father has never been easy to perform. He represents the supreme leadership of the smallest unit of a society, and of course shoulders the greatest obligation of the smallest unit of a society, that is, no matter what means are used, it must satisfy the livelihood of a family and protect the stability of a family. In view of the fact that the position of father provides the most primitive and most secure foundation for the family, the family also gives a father the highest dignity and the highest family status. Just as we have been beaten and scolded by our fathers in turn and cannot appeal, the Japanese society still retains the family life habit of only moving chopsticks after fathers order at the dinner table. This is the dignity that patrilineal society gives to a father.
Yet this dignity is not a man's innate nature, a man's innate nature is to occupy as many mates as possible and mate as much as possible. Yes, it is no different from a wild dog, just mating and raising puppies is the responsibility of the bitch. However, the patriarchal society's requirements for the position of father are far more than that simple. It not only restricts a man's mating rights and mates through modern and civilized legal procedures such as marriage, but also assigns the responsibility of raising a family to the father. position. It can be said that the history of patriarchal society is a history of blood and tears of men. It raises a man in captivity as a father, and silently cultivates the smallest unit of society. The Cantonese society sums up the matter of marriage as "being an old lining", which is full of jokes.
A normal man will not always have the urge to get married and start a family. Of course I admit that when I met my first girl as a teenager I was very impulsive and wanted to get married, but then I was a boy and not a man, I don't know how much it takes to start a family, I just Simply wishing to claim sovereignty over a woman, not even the right to mate. A man who always hopes to start a family is nothing more than a desire to sacrifice his animality in exchange for the mating rights that are increasingly costly to the patrilineal society. Yes, these men are speculators of mating rights. Secondly, it is not ruled out that some men who hope to get married and establish a family simply do not understand how much a man needs to pay for a family. Such men are impulsive consumers of mating rights.
I say these are not my patriarchy, nor escape. Instead, I hope that every man is really ready, before he accepts the reality of marriage, before he forms a basic social unit such as a family, and raises himself to become a father, even if there are only two poor people in this family, you are all this. The supreme leader of the family. From then on, the patriarchal society gives you the dignity of a father at the cost of sacrificing everything for the family. All the animality of a man, the friendship of a man, the dignity of a man, and everything about a man is dust in front of the family. The only thing you can enjoy is that your wife asks you to go home for dinner, and the whole family can only move chopsticks after you give the order, even if there are only two poor people in the whole family.
My brothers, one day you decide to be an old lining, tell me. We finish the last sip of wine between men, and everything you do in the future can be explained by the position of father. You are the top leader of the smallest unit of society, and the position of your father is the final destination of your poor bastard.

The strength of a mother

A patriarchal social family, the basic elements are a father and a mother, whether there are children or pets are all casual by-products. Since I am a typical product of a loving mother and a spoiled child, my eloquent remarks about my mother have already overflowed to the point of Oedipus, and it is no longer a burden. Just as a man needs to be prepared before he consciously raises himself as a father. Doesn't a woman need to be equally prepared to kidnap herself to become a mother? If family is a matter of two people, as a woman, are you ready to kidnap yourself?
I don’t know if it’s because of my age or the difference in demand in the entire mating rights market. There are more and more leftover girls around me. Many of them are virgin aunts who are about to enter their thirties. They are still eagerly looking forward to their first love in the bright spring light of pink tones. Comes as dazzling as a rainbow. They use foundation to decorate their skin that is losing luster, use advertising hot-selling products to make themselves close to society, express their fortunes with tangled and mournful words, and pass the people around them as urban women. But no one is willing to forget some things that seem to be basic elements for a family, such as cars, such as buildings, such as hukou.
Of course women need a sense of security and stability. You can even say that I don't need a car, a building, or a household registration. But there's absolutely no way you're going to be able to avoid that in the near future you're rambling to suggest that it's all these things. And the reason why you can't choose is not because your mating rights are not cost-effective, but other people's mating rights are more cost-effective. At this time, these women are like shrewd businessmen, saturating their desires through continuous software and hardware upgrades after successfully selling an item.
There is a saying that goes well: family is a woman's life's work. If a woman really wants to start a family, the first thing she should kidnap is her own goal and devote herself to the role of a mother. Forget those love movies of life and death that endure lingering tears, forget those hot-selling commercial products that are distracted and addicted, forget those nonsensical agreements and oaths between sisters in the dormitory boudoir, forget those who have conceived countless times for the wedding of the century, even Forget to ask the other person if they love you or not. All you have to do is devote yourself to the role of mother and learn to be strong in accepting the poverty, grief, tribulation, and betrayal that this family is about to face. Except for a matchmaker, no one can guarantee that you will have hope in life when you get married. But the strength of a mother will be the last bottom line of a family.
If you are left alone today, ask yourself where the bottom line is for being strong enough to be a home. Don't talk about the mating rights of the hymen again, and don't confuse literary love with cruel reality. In a mother's world, there is only family.

The pursuit of a young man

If I am still a young man after the 1980s, the following words will make sense. As an educated generation, the Red Flag grew up as a successor of socialism across the century. After over ten years of hard study, he was suddenly stunned when he walked into the society in high spirits. In front of them are the young post-70s who firmly control social resources, and behind the fearless optimists post-90s, the feeling of sudden sadness is no less than a cool autumn. I remember an interview when I graduated. Someone asked me why I chose the position of sales, and I said that because this position matches my major, it can reflect and prove the value of my life. Yes, I really said the words "value of life" at that time, so I was refuted by someone on the spot: I asked you to work not to realize your own value in life, but how to realize the value of the company. .
I'm not complaining about someone hitting me so blatantly, I do idealize and he's telling the truth. In a society where people eat money to make money, fast is the last word. The benevolent developer gave us the house before collecting the money for our house, and then this pile of steel and concrete wiped out our youth year by year and became our only achievement. Materialists believe that thought has meaning only if there is material existence. Therefore, if there is no house, there is no love, and there is no spiritual value of life.
I actually don't mind changing from a socialist screw to an ant that is in line with the world, because the substantive meaning is the same, and humbleness is the only sign and the only consensus. But a socialist screw at least deceives himself that the country needs this screw, without which the machine cannot function. An ant who is in line with the world does not feel that he is needed by anyone, except for the businessman who does the ant business. This feeling of not being needed by the country and society is very bad, and the state of not knowing what to do tomorrow except saving money, marrying a wife and paying the mortgage is very pessimistic.
Wandering youth in Japan joined the U.S. military, went on missions in the Middle East, and stayed to keep the peace. In my opinion, this kind of story is just a way of transforming "being demanded" into another expression channel, escaping and rebuilding one's own spiritual victory method. But the pursuit of spiritual level is always a problem of sub-fish, and outsiders have no right to evaluate. At least we have another kind of survival victory besides comparing the car to the house.

A young troubled

person begins to recognize the world for the first time, and begins to have troubles for the first time. This little life began to be hesitant, confused, and panicked about the world. This world is no longer like you cry when you are hungry, so the conditioned reflex is natural to have milk delivered to your mouth. There are some things in this world that you can no longer easily get, or you can't get, some problems can never be solved, and so on. And these are the troubles that will occupy us for the rest of our lives, and they will haunt us until we die.
When I was young, my family was not good. Except for the necessary expenses for reading and reading, basically all entertainment programs and interest training were self-sufficient original ecology. And there are many parents of intellectual families around me who sacrifice everything to cultivate the hobby of a young classmate, and there are also no shortage of upstart uncles who have boundless material power over their children. So I was like a bleak landscape around them, and I learned to suppress the burst of color in my life since I was a child. I am a sensitive and sensible child, I learned to perceive my weight and family atmosphere in a family at a very young age. For example, my parents were only willing to invest in me in education, so I wanted to ask my parents for property in various educational projects. I will turn on what color lights in the house to determine a night's programming. Turning on a dim light bulb is because there are only me and my mother at home. I have to do my homework obediently, even if there is no homework, I have to wear it. If the bright light pipe is on, there are guests or there is serious business at home, then I can play anywhere in town until my mother takes me home with a stick. At that time, the troubles were far more than these, and where should the stolen sweet potatoes be buried safely, and where the remaining game machine coins were hidden, it was not easy to be found.
That's it, a teenager in a poor family has only the right to have food and clothing, but has no reason to dream. Faced with such troubles, he has only two solutions, either to cry and force it, or to secretly cheat. In any case, such a child is not thankful. The pursuit in a poor environment is unreasonable, and the dream in a poor environment is a blind comparison.
The days of these little troubles will not be long, and these teenagers will be filled with more troubles. In the process, I slowly learned to lose and give up and plunder. Once upon a time, there was a child who was ignorant, ignorant and ignorant, and turned into a ignorant guy.
Sure enough, the greatest benefit of old age is that you don't want to get what you didn't get when you were young. It doesn't mean that you have solved this trouble, but you can't solve this trouble in your life. When I was young, I wanted to play football to win glory for my country, and now I want to scold the country every day for the national team. Compared with the tangled troubles around me now, those young days are really refreshing.

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Extended Reading
  • Eliseo 2022-04-16 09:01:09

    There are too many things I want to express. After picking up the money, I stepped from realism to magic.

  • Hassie 2022-04-20 09:02:57

    Damn it, the front is the side dish, which is the bedding, the second half is the real Kurosawa Kiyoshi, the fear of the end of the world, Imamura Shohei-style "maggot" feeling

Tokyo Sonata quotes

  • Megumi Sasaki: Screw your authority.

  • Megumi Sasaki: How wonderful it would be if my whole life so far turns out to have been a dream, and suddenly I wake up and I'm someone else entirely.