love needs practice

Timothy 2022-04-23 07:01:03

In addition to the magical brain hole, I like Spider-Man movies. The most important thing is the delicate emotional drama. The Spider-Man hero constantly encounters family, friendship, love, troubles in work when he grows up, and grows up in love through twists and turns. I need his listening, understanding and comfort to be lost. I left my girlfriend to be a hero to save people, and I kissed what a fool with other women as Spider-Man! When the murderer made a mistake and aroused his inner anger, MJ went to comfort him and accompany him even though he was angry with him. Peter actually said that I don't need to help me. MJ must be true love. Peter is still too immature in love. Aunt said marriage is better The preparation is that A man has to be understanding and put his wife before himself. Peter thought he could do it at the time and put everything about his wife above himself. As a result, he didn't really understand the meaning of auntMay's words. After a series of events happened, Peter realized that he was not prepared, he was still immersed in his dream of a big hero, selfish, naive. It's easy to say what we like and love, but when we encounter life, how to love someone is something we need to practice and learn and slowly comprehend. The author expresses this very well in the film.

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Extended Reading
  • Natalie 2022-04-24 07:01:01

    The new elements are eye-catching and at the same time beautifully cut off many problems left over from the series (Peter's uncle and the Green Goblin's father), although it is a pity not to continue this series, but the third part is very well done, and it ends at three. It would be nice to end this series.

  • Jerel 2021-10-20 18:59:18

    I'm dazzled by the special effects

Spider-Man 3 quotes

  • Peter Parker: This man killed my uncle, and he's still out there!

  • Harry Osborn: You knew this was coming, Pete!

    Peter Parker: Listen to me! I didn't kill your father! He was trying to kill me! He killed himself!

    Harry Osborn: Shut up!