"The Hole in the Ground" stars Shanna Ghislake and James Quinn Markey as an extraordinary pair. The mother-son relationship was very hot from the start, and it was a nice experience to see and feel the core of that fascinating relationship slowly rotting away. From sweet and lovable to eerily suspicious, James Quinn Markey can easily navigate, which greatly adds to the unease and mystery. Shanna Ghislak immediately grabs the audience's attention with a unique, dignified, cool stance. Eerie but stunning, the film captures the beauty of its surroundings and hauntingly vast and grey landscapes that, even simple scenes, can become disorienting and disturbing
The Hole in the Ground evaluation action
2022-06-25 23:15
Extended Reading
Chris O'Neill: Dad would've killed it for me.
Sarah O'Neill: I'm not Dad.
Sarah O'Neill: Something's not right with him.