Floating Weeds Comments

  • Kasey 2022-07-04 21:49:34

    Kasa Chi-joo is acting purely as a friendly...

  • Genesis 2022-07-04 20:13:00

    In the rain, they were scolding across the street, swearing in Kansai dialect, slapping the face and kissing fiercely. I was shocked when I saw these scenes, and it was really against "Ozu". [Floating grass] can also naturally be called an anomaly of Ozu's films. Leaving the Tokyo stage really added a layer of wandering. I like the scene where the train melts into the night, the future is illusory and...

  • Angelita 2022-07-04 19:48:07

    1. It is a work taken by Ozu for Daying, so the photographer is not Yuchun Atsuta, who is used by the royal family, but Kazuo Miyagawa who cooperates with Mizoguchi and Akira Kurosawa; there is no pleasing 4k restoration of Shochiku. 2. This version of the class leader is even worse than Xiba in "The Story of Floating Grass". It is not only unreasonable, but also violent. In the rain, he scolded his wife across the street and blurted out a bitch whore. Of course, the protagonists don't have to...

  • Merle 2022-07-04 18:51:29

    A change of tranquility and restraint, highlighting the dramatic conflict. 4 and a half...

  • Delaney 2022-07-04 17:31:03

    8.6; The tears in my heart are even more...

Extended Reading
  • Kristian 2022-07-04 19:54:12

    Deleuze on Ozu: the inventor of pure audiovisual images

    Ozu: Inventor of Pure Audiovisual Video "Time-Video" p.20-27

    Although Yasujiro Ozu was initially influenced by American directors, he constructed the first work showing a purely audiovisual situation in a Japanese context (however, he did not make a sound film until 1936). His European counterparts...

  • Blaze 2022-09-15 18:58:06

    Floating like a dream

    This nearly two-hour movie, I bought it for 3 years and never watched it, I actually cried today.

    Undoubtedly, this is mainly due to the entanglement of family affection in the play, but it is different from the passionate emotion when watching it. In the movie, the father and son have not been...

Floating Weeds quotes

  • Kayo: I'm not such a good girl.

  • Oyoshi: What became of the manager? It's terrible.

    Komajuro Arashi: We mustn't avail us too much of the impresario's kindness. It's awful.

    Oyoshi: Indeed.

    Komajuro Arashi: It's good when it's good. But when we get stranded, a terrible profession.