

  • Director: Steven Spielberg
  • Writer: Peter Benchley,Carl Gottlieb
  • Countries of origin: United States
  • Language: English
  • Release date: June 20, 1975
  • Runtime: 2h 4min
  • Sound mix: Dolby Atmos
  • Aspect ratio: 2.39 : 1
  • Also known as: Stillness in the Water
  • "Jaws" (English: Jaws) is a thriller film of The United States of America released in 1975. This film is one of the classic films shot by Steven Allan Spielberg , based on the novel of the same name by Peter Benchley  . The main actors include Roy Scheider , Richard Dreyfuss , Robert Shaw , and Murray Hamilton   .
    The film tells the story of a huge cannibal Jaws appearing offshore in a summer resort town called Amiti Island. Many tourists lost their lives. The local sheriff was helped by a marine biologist and a professional shark catcher. Determined to hunt this shark   .


    • Release date June 20, 1975
    • Filming locations Water Street, Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA
    • Production companies Zanuck/Brown Productions, Universal Pictures

    Box office


    $7,000,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Opening weekend US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 67 ) Add reviews

    • By Sincere 2022-04-20 09:01:01

      Movie Notes

      As a commercial model, Jaws is excellent in every way, and groundbreaking. The subject matter is very advanced, and the thrilling soundtrack is used just right to set off the horror atmosphere. The most valuable thing for reference is the film's grasp of the rhythm.
      Throughout the first half of the movie, the great white shark is not shown, but is referred to by the dorsal fin that emerges from the water (classic), mainly through the horror of the victim and the reaction of the tourists to...

    • By Kacie 2022-04-20 09:01:01

      Great White Shark Watching

      Today I watched Spielberg's "Jaws" in 1975. Based on a shark cannibalistic incident in the 1960s, a great white shark on the coast of a holiday island in the United States ate several tourists in a row. Sheriff, marine researcher Another veteran shark catcher decided to hunt the killer. The label of the film is thriller. Looking at the stunts at that time from the current perspective, although it is a bit simple, it is really valuable. In the first half, the great white shark did not appear...

    • By Erika 2022-04-20 09:01:01

      How to improve your ability to analyze things by watching movies

      This topic can be said to be very fucked up. First, when I typed these words, I didn't know if I could discuss it clearly. Second, when I typed these things, I didn't know if I really wanted to discuss it. Or do you just want to make up for the guilt of watching movies on weekends without doing anything serious?

      In fact, there is nothing really good to say, just read a movie review of someone else, and think about why after watching the great white shark, I feel wow, so exciting, so...

    • By Rickey 2022-04-19 09:01:01

      real production

      Movies from the 1970s, but they still look amazing. The special effects are realistic, and there are also some humanistic concerns in it. I've seen official reviews before saying that the film creates a bloody scene in a soft way, and I believe it is true. ——But now who is talking about this softness, who am I worried about, when the captain was swallowed by a shark and died, it was extremely bloody.
        The suspense technique that Spielberg is good at creating has been used many times in...

    • By Earnestine 2022-04-19 09:01:01

      Sharks and Humanity

      Jaws (1975)
      Director: Steven Spielberg

          As a disaster film in the 1970s, it has the advantages of intense plot, rich story and clear lines. Of course, in my eyes, it is not just a movie, but a real history. Because people are more terrifying than great white sharks, and the exposed humanity is the ugliest thing on this earth.

          The merchants are obsessed with profit, regardless of whether there will be a tragic death, and they still focus on making money; These...

    User comments

      ( 106 ) Add comments

    • By Pietro 2023-09-03 07:36:19

      Although I admit that Spielberg is definitely the absolute hegemon in the Hollywood director world, each of his works has epoch-making significance in the corresponding era, and his ideological content is far ahead of other people in his generation. But looking at this great white shark now, it looks a bit boring. The model shark is not as visual as the computer special effects, and there is no bikini beauty, plasma, these necessary elements to make people's blood...

    • By Daija 2023-07-02 20:26:33

      The climax came too slowly, and many wonderful foreshadowings ahead were wasted, ignoring the public response. That piece of music loved by Oscar does add a lot to the atmosphere, which is why this movie has become a classic. The second half has completely become the old man, the sea and the shark, top-heavy, and the way of hunting sharks is indeed a bit tricky. Maybe I'm watching too late. But I really like the satirical character of the...

    • By Seamus 2023-05-29 23:43:46

      I have seen it before, Jurassic 3 was released, and I re-watched Spielberg. Even today, the place where a human head was found on the seabed still surprised me, not because the picture was scary, but because of the atmosphere. The construction is too good, I feel that the whole movie is like a symphony that keeps on darkening Chencang, and Speer is well versed in Sun Tzu's art of war. Every time I remember that this is a work from nearly forty years ago, I really feel kneeling, and the same is...

    • By Ryley 2022-11-29 15:50:47

      I finally watched the real "Jaws", and I was so thrilled that I was scared to death by the end. . . (ps, when I watched it, I thought of "Frozen", "The Old Man and the Sea" and "Titanic" one after...

    • By Aliza 2022-04-24 07:01:01

      You'd never have guessed that Spielberg could tell a fascinating story about a fish until you saw Jaws, and it's from the '70s, even if you've heard rave reviews about Jaws before , still be surprised! In addition, "Jaws" influenced the production, promotion and distribution of movies in that era, and it is a benchmark for the new movie era! Comrade Lao Si has returned to his basics recently, and I hope his "The Adventures of Tintin" will be a big...

    Behind the scenes gags

    Spielberg considered asking Lee Marvin to appear as Quint. Marvin thanked him for his kindness but still said that it was better to go fishing than promise.
    In addition to the well-known nickname of the big shark, Bruce, when Steven Spielberg became angry with this machine-made big fish, he called it "the great white turd" (the great white turd). ).
    In a biography Spielberg mentioned that he was greatly encouraged by Robert Duval during...
    more about Jaws Behind the scenes gags

    About the script

    "Jaws" is adapted from Peter Benchley's novel of the same name, produced by Richard D. Zanuck (Richard D. Zanuck) and David Brown (David Brown) to obtain the adaptation of the novel The right to shoot was paid $250,000. Benchley's novel is based on real events that took place in the summer of 1916.
    Although Stephen Spielberg was not the first person to be the director of the film, the two producers finally decided to sign with him. When...
    more about Jaws About the script

    About framing

    The location of the film was shot on Martha’s Vineyard Island in Massachusetts. The local seabed has a high sand content, which is convenient for the stable operation of mechanical sharks. Nevertheless, filming is still troublesome, leading to a serious overrun of the shooting budget. When shooting sea scenes, there are often accidents such as sailing boats breaking into the scene, the camera getting wet, and the boat sinking, so the...
    more about Jaws About framing

    Media Evaluation

    Compared with the original work, the film has modified Gwent’s fate and several key underwater scenes, but from the final film product, these modifications are completely reasonable. It can be seen that the shooting of "Jaws" was not rushed.  (Review of "DVD Guide")
    This is the first film about monsters directed by the great director Steven Spielberg. With this film, Steven Spielberg has proved to people that he can create and maintain...
    more about Jaws Media Evaluation

    Movie quotes

    • Brody: Yeah, but I'm not drunk enough to go out on a boat.

      Hooper: Yes, you are.

      Brody: No, I'm not.

      Hooper: Yes, you are.

      Brody: I can't do that.

      Hooper: Yes, you can.

    • Ellen Brody: Wanna get drunk and fool around?

      Brody: Oh Yeah.

    • [about to go looking for the shark]

      Brody: On the water?

      Hooper: Well, if we're looking for a shark we're not gonna find him on the land.