little ugly

Jasmin 2022-04-23 07:01:11

If Casino Royale is alright, this film may not have 2 stars. Our 007 with abs continues to play like a dog in this film. If the previous 007 was arty, this 007 is simply He is semi-illiterate, referring to films but not people. The villains of fragrant cars, beauties, famous watches, personalities, and handsome guys who integrate all fashion factors are James Bond. Now it seems that without these main elements, he is stupid, Quantum of Solace , I didn't see anything about the quantum crisis in the end.

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Extended Reading
  • Laverne 2022-03-24 09:01:13

    I haven't watched 007 before, but Daniel Craig is so rude, is this a British agent. . It's like the CIA. . PS: With this strength, Jeremy Renner can be the successor

  • Nyasia 2022-03-22 09:01:10

    No money, bankrupt, Bond can only use Sony Ericsson.

Quantum of Solace quotes

  • M: Get Bond.

  • M: [On the phone] Bond, are you missing the fact that you killed a member of the Special Branch. I need you to come in.

    James Bond: And I would, but, right now I need to find the man who tried to kill you. Go back to sleep.